Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Nii (July 14, 21, & 22, 2011)

Ice (July 14, 9PM)
Happy birthday (July 21, 8PM)
Thank you very much (July 22, 10PM)

This is it for Nii! Anything before August 1, 2011 not translated already will not be translated unless requested. Feel free to make requests on our page on Tumblr (link is to your left)!



When summer comes, the food I want to eat most is...

That's right!!"Shaved ice"かき氷。

That's why I went out and bought thisキラ


This way I can have some whenever I feel like eating some...・・・じゅるる

I couldn't quite make it look as good

as the ones you get in stores犬?

I used to like "Blue Hawaii" sugar syrup on my shaved ice, but

right now my favorite is "Strawberry" sugar syrup笑顔


Happy birthday

Good evening ニコッ^ ^

Today we had an office meeting, but

before the meeting started, suddenly

Oh my Oh my Oh my Oh my Oh my Oh my Oh my-----ええ!!!!!!!

The people in the office and the band members came to celebrate my birthday! え゛!

I was very glad にこっ

Even though I'm glad everyone celebrated and wish me a happy birthday, I was still a little embarassed 照れる

I got some presents too プレゼント

From Shuu-san I got

Books on ramen and lottery ticketsきら

For a person who loves ramen as much as I do, this was really the coolest present. らーめん。

And of course I'm going to be hitting the jackpot, right? 笑

Also, from the staff in the office I received

My beloved beer coupons ビール キラキラ

Ah~This is extremely helpful むふ

I will gladly put these to use yodare

From Yanocchi I got

Adidas athletic shoes and hairband 嬉

There are marathons coming up soon and if I wear these shoes

I think I'll feel like running 足。 キラyellow

They're really vibrant aren't they にっしっし

To all the staff in the office, and all the members, thank you very much 笑1

Once the 22nd is here, I'll be 27 years old already 焦

27 years old...Can't believe it ぇ


Thank you very much

I received everyone's mail wishing me a happy birthday, I'm so glad it hurts ニコニコ キラキラ

Thank you very much ニコニコ チョキ

Even though I've turned 27 years old, from now on, too, to stop the momentum gradually I want to live going at 110% 音符

And in order to become a guitarist who can be suitable for wearing sunglasses, I will do my best! にひひ グッド!


  1. Aw, Nii is so cute!

  2. I dunno how to comment on tumblr, and I don't think I should use the ask page xD.

    ah Ive got to admit if You want to melt border IS the one. Especially when Satoshi is smiling, or Ryo sings, or ShuU plays behing his back *.*

    andddd I fixed the ameba problem and started My blog. I hope it'll help Me with My Japanese.
    It's kinda like an extension to My personal diary :PI dunno how to comment on tumblr, and I don't think I should use the ask page xD.

    ah Ive got to admit if You want to melt border IS the one. Especially when Satoshi is smiling, or Ryo sings, or ShuU plays behing his back *.*

    andddd I fixed the ameba problem and started My blog. I hope it'll help Me with My Japanese.
    It's kinda like an extension to My personal diary :P
