Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Ryo (October 23, 25, & 26, 2011)

# = requested, from now on. Yay~ I kind of stormed through these...I take a nap and look where it left me! Hehehe. :) Enjoy!

Hello hello~ (October 23, 10PM)
Ryo.'s DIY Diary 1 (October 25, 3PM)
Ryo.'s DIY Diary 2 (4PM)
Ryo.'s DIY Diary 3 (8PM)
#Ryo.'s DIY Diary 4 (October 26, 1PM)

Hello hello~

Long time no see~ (*´_⊃`)ノ

This is the now-blonde Ryo. Yo.

There were various announcements made today(●´∀`)ノ

Whoohoo whoohoo (*'-'*)

Also, today's the V-Rock Festival!!

Yeah~ Thank you so much for the great scene.

The entrance SE was, if you noticed, pro wrestler Chono's theme song 『Crash ~dread~』*

I love pro wrestling so I couldn't help it.

Anyways, Girugamesh will go forward with the highest enthusiasm and fighting spirit, so please support us.


Off to sleep~ (*´・ω・)ノ

Good night.

Ryo.'s DIY Diary 1

Yesterday I went to Akihabara* and bought a lost of stuff(●´∀`)ノ

For the mixture-rock Girugamesh, the "sequence" (a guy whose playing is good in and out of the band) is not essential (・ω・)

Primarily it's this PC*↓

Because I want to synchronize the sound's flow, and I like to control that myself, this is always by my side (・ω・)

But however!

This Mac's HDD doesn't use/have a SSD so its shaking makes it vulnerable!

The Hard Disc Drive, because it needs to spin, the violent shaking is the Mac's weak point.

You keep standing, skipping, and shaking your ass, it makes my performance difficult, Mac-chan (´・д・`)


So in order to customize my Mac to a『Double Control System』, I went to Akihabara (*´_⊃`)ノ

With our technician Mr. Yano

From my position I can use the PC simultaneously [while I play the drums], but the central PC is located on the edge of the stage, so there is no fear of it shaking(●´∀`)ノ

Well then, let the work begin!

Do It Yourself (T/N: In English)


Ryo.'s DIY Diary 2

Today's materials are (*´_⊃`)

Dsub 20m

DVI←→Dsub adapter

Logicool trackball (T/N: AKA, a weird-ass mouse...)

LAN cable

A USB thing that can extend up to 60m

Dsub connector/connector

US keyboard for Mac

20in. display



Surface primer

SKB rack



Ryo.'s DIY Diary 3

Well then well then (*´_⊃`)

During lives, only the Tab and space bar keys are used, so the other keys on the Mac are becoming unresponsive and it's cumbersome.

The other buttons are starting to stick on the keyboard and it's getting out of hand ( ;´Д`)


Like this↓

I destroyed the new keyboard like this.

I'm sure there are other ways, but this time for this system, this way is best.

Sorry about that.

And then and then

Mask off the buttons you won't be using.

And next is

the putty

Mix it with some hardener


Tomorrow we'll sand-sand sand it down.


Ryo.'s DIY Diary 4

He-hey there (●´∀`)ノ

The power strip arrived.

Because we have a meeting today, I'll start working when I get home.


*Pro wrestler Masahiro Chono's theme song, CRASH~dread~
*Akihabara is the geek-central of Japan. Computer parts, otaku what-nots...a tech geek's heaven. Alice Nine's Nao loves it here too.
*For the Japanese, PC doesn't mark the distinction between PC or Mac, but rather stands for any form of personal computer. So don't be confused if you see a Mac that is referred to as a PC.

Ryo's confusing me just a little with the tech talk and the long sentences, but in essence, the Macbook Pro has a HDD, which saves and reads information on a spinning disc. It skips sometimes, and does start shaking when it's dealing with larger files or many things at once. The SSD is like your mp3 player nowadays (think iPhone, iTouch, etc.)--there is no spinning disc like their was in the iPod mini or the first generation of iPod [classics]. It's a pain to have the computer go "guh-guh-guh-k-k-k" and start lagging whenever that disc is spinning, so this is probably why Ryo is trying to "fix it". Then again, please don't take my word for it, I'm no expert on computers...

I'm wondering wth is going on, and I'm not sure I got this (^) right...We'll see what he blogs today and I'll edit accordingly. At this point I'm not sure what he's trying to achieve by doing this...

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